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Workshop: How to Leverage Data and AI to Deliver Innovation for IIoT

18 May 2024 | 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Venue: Auto Cluster Exhibition Center, Pune, India

FEE: ₹1999 (Fee Includes Access to All MasterClasses)

MasterClass Presenter

Mukesh Jain

CTO, VP and Global Head, Capgemini

Table of Contents

I. Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

A. Definition and Overview
B. Importance and Impact in Various Industries
C. Current Landscape and Trends

II. Understanding Data in IIoT
A. Types of Data Generated in IIoT
B. Challenges in Data Management and Analysis
C. Importance of Data Quality and Security

III. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in IIoT
A. Introduction to AI and Its Applications in IIoT
B. Machine Learning Techniques for Data Analysis
C. Predictive Maintenance and Anomaly Detection
D. Optimization and Automation in Industrial Processes

IV. Key Components for Successful Implementation
A. Infrastructure Requirements
B. Data Collection and Integration Strategies
C. Developing AI Models and Algorithms
D. Human-Machine Collaboration and Training

V. Case Studies and Best Practices
A. Real-World Examples of Successful IIoT Implementations
B. Lessons Learned and Challenges Overcome
C. Best Practices for Integrating Data and AI in IIoT Projects

VI. Ethical and Regulatory Considerations
A. Data Privacy and Security Concerns
B. Compliance with Industry Standards and Regulations
C. Ethical Use of AI in Industrial Settings

VII. Future Trends and Opportunities
A. Emerging Technologies Shaping the Future of IIoT
B. Predictions for the Evolution of Data and AI in Industrial Applications
C. Opportunities for Innovation and Growth

VIII. Q&A Session
A. Open Floor for Questions and Discussions
B. Addressing Participants’ Concerns and Queries

IX. Conclusion and Wrap-Up
A. Summary of Key Points Covered
B. Final Thoughts on Leveraging Data and AI for IIoT Innovation
C. Resources for Further Learning and Exploration

Here are the key take-a-ways:

1. Data Quality and Security are Paramount: Participants learned the critical importance of ensuring high-quality data and robust security measures in IIoT environments to enable effective analysis and decision-making while safeguarding sensitive information.

2. AI Empowers Predictive Insights: Through AI techniques such as machine learning, attendees discovered how to leverage data to predict maintenance needs, detect anomalies, and optimize industrial processes, thereby enhancing efficiency and minimizing downtime.

3. Integration and Collaboration are Key: Successful IIoT implementation requires seamless integration of diverse data sources, infrastructure, and AI models, as well as effective collaboration between humans and machines to harness the full potential of these technologies.

4. Real-World Case Studies Provide Valuable Insights: Case studies and best practices shared during the session offered concrete examples of successful IIoT implementations, providing practical insights and lessons learned that participants can apply to their own projects.