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Workshop:Transforming quality inspection in manufacturing using AI

18 May 2024 | 14:30 PM - 15:15 PM

Venue: Auto Cluster Exhibition Center, Pune, India

FEE: ₹1999 (Limited seats available)

MasterClass Presenter

Kesava Prasad, Verifygntech Pvt Ltd

Kesava Prasad

Verifygntech Pvt. Ltd

Table of Contents

1. Paradigms of manufacturing
2. IOT applications in manufacturing
3. IOT applied to anomaly detection
4. IOT in level monitoring
5. IOT in maintenance
6. IOT @GE, Siemens

AR in manufacturing
AR in assembly at Boeing
AI in quality inspection
What is AI?
AI for computer vision
AI example case studies

1. For defect checking
2. For OCR
3. For finding missing parts

AI inspection Demo

Here are the key take-a-ways:

Audience get a good insight into different avenues of using IOT and AI in their manufacturing lines thus improving the overall equipment effectiveness(OEE) and profitability.